Saturday, April 14, 2012

Summer clothes in stores in February

Living in the Pacific Northwest takes getting used to.  I'm sure it is similar for people who live north of the Mason Dixon line everywhere but it just isn't warm here until, well, July.  You'd think I get used to the crazy fact that all the spring clothes are gone by December and all you can find in the stores in Spring are tank tops and shorts.  Why?  I really don't get it.  Come July I will be trying to find a new bathing suit for my four-year-old who will, by then, outgrown the one I bought in March but there will only be winter coats and rain boots for sale then.  Is this some kind of conspiracy to make me crazy?  Another example - tights.  My girls go through them like toilet paper.  Seriously.  They either get runs in them or they outgrow them.  And since they wear them from October to May, that's a lot of tights!  But can I run into Target and find them?  No.  Because they are fall/winter clothing and they only sell that in July and August!  Nuts!  I can, of course, find just about anything on the internet.  But you can't judge the quality or try them on.  And you certainly can't get them for the next day.

If anyone in clothing is listening - really, stop the madness.  In the Pacific Northwest, sell bathing suits from March to September.  Sell kids tights from August to May.  Rain boots too.  If you are in Phoenix, you should be able to find bathing suits on the racks year-round.  Why is this so hard?  Don't the people who put the clothes in the stores go outside?  Or check the weather report?

I'm only asking for one simple thing.  To walk into a store and be able to buy clothes for the season I'm living in - not the one six months away.

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