Monday, April 16, 2012


Is it me or does it seem like parents run themselves ragged getting their kids to and from activities?  Granted I was a kid 30+ years ago but I really don't remember my parents hustling us back and forth to something every night.  We came home from school and did our homework and watched TV and went to bed.  I mean, I remember being in gymnastics or ballet and taking swimming lessons but I'm pretty sure that was in the summer and/or on a Saturday.  Now it's music lessons, sports, foreign language, drama, ballet/gymnastics - and that's just for preschoolers. 

My husband and I fell into this trap when our girls were two and three.  But then we realized that the girls were tired and so were we.  Not to mention we had no Saturdays to take a trip or even work in the yard.  So, we took a season off.  We spent Saturdays going to Seattle, Portland, the beach, pumpkin patches, the library, etc.  It was wonderful.  But now we have the girls back in ballet/tap on Monday nights and swimming lessons on Sunday afternoons.  We were thinking of adding gymnastics on Saturday mornings but I stopped short.  I don't want to give up my Saturdays! 

I'm sure there are lots of parents out there who think I'm selfish and not thinking of my kids' needs - but I think it is just the opposite.  My kids spent last Saturday at the park - just playing - and then at home riding their big wheels with me around the neighborhood.  Less stress on me, and less stress on them.  I figure there is plenty of time for all of that (for all of us) in the future.  For now, I'm going to keep our Saturdays as family days.  I'm sure when I look back on this one day I won't regret the time they didn't spend playing soccer or the violin.  I'm sure I will be thankful for the time they spent with me.  They are growing up so fast as it is ... this is my time.

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