Saturday, April 14, 2012

reward cards and coupons

I am the mother of two preschool girls.  I work full-time, meaning M-F 8-5.  I do my shopping in the stores on the weekends (when I have time) and I often shop from home on-line in the evenings.  This, I assume, is like most moms.  And, like most moms, I don't want to take my daughters shopping with me if I can help it.  They are generally pretty good in the stores but it is boring for them - which makes it more chaotic for me.  So, I may get an hour or two every other weekend that I can run into the mall and shop.

Now, for my pet peeve.  Those darn rewards that a store gives you for shopping with them THAT EXPIRE.  Now, from a marketing perspective I get the reward idea.  The store doesn't actually have to give you anything for the purchases you are making at the time - but, since they want you to come back and spend more money, they give you an incentive by saying "come back during week X and use this coupon - it will be $20 off of $40" or something along those lines.  The problem, of course, is that I can't always come back during week X!  And, even if I do make it back, I'm not always able to find that darn coupon!

I can't tell you how many of these coupons I have in my wallet at any given time.  I know I have them right now for Macy's, Fashion Bug, Kohl's, Dress Barn, Gymboree, Children's Place, and Old Navy.  I have to diligently look at them to try and remember the dates I can use them.  I have to make sure I have my wallet in my hand when I run into the mall.  And, I have to make sure I spend whatever the amount is on the coupon to get the deal.  So, I can't just buy $38.95 worth of clothing (before tax), it has to be a minimum of $40 (for example).  It is exhausting!!

What I really like is my Target card.  Every time I go to Target and use my card (always pay it off each month!!), I get 5% off of my purchase.  I can still use a coupon if I have one but even if I don't - still 5% off.  Gymboree and Children's Place do the same thing.  In my mind, that's a real reward card. 

Now if I could just get Macy's to do the same thing!

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